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Paul Baker

  • Director of TARS Consulting Ltd. UK.
  • MA in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University
  • 35 years of experience in the accounting profession advising companies and individuals.
  • Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Adviser.
Paul Baker

Sebastian Korbei

  • MSc and PhD in theoretical Physics from Cambridge University
  • 35+ years of programming, system design and development experience
  • 20+ years of experience in the financial services Industry specialist in stochastic mathematics for valuation and risk of financial derivatives
  • Modelling expertise in various areas including:
    • Financial asset modelling, pricing and risk
    • Mathematical description of physical systems including quantum systems as well as scale analysis using fractals
    • Seismic data analysis and analytics of drilling data
    • Balance sheet optimisation and trading signals
    • Economic simulations, supply chain modelling
Sebastian Korbei

Kunal Khetawat

  • BA in mechanical engineering from IIT Kharagpur and MSc in Finance from Cambridge University
  • 8+ years of programming experience
  • 2+ years of experience as an Equity derivatives quant at HSBC
  • Trade execution tasks including:
    • Executing trades on behalf of clients
    • Monitoring market activity and adjusting trading strategies based on news or various events
    • Extracting and analysing alternative data to find investment opportunities
Kunal Khetawat

Christopher McCooey

  • PhD and MSc in Theoretical Physics from Queen’s University Belfast
  • Naughton Foundation Scholar
  • 5+ years of programming experience
  • Modelling expertise in various areas including:
    • Non-conservative current induced forces in quantum wires
    • Many-body molecular dynamics
    • Positron anihilation in Helium traps
    • Predictive attrition modelling
    • Insurance data modelling
Christopher McCooey